Three years ago I started the Fearless Mujer Brand, after spending about a year building a whole different brand that I really loved. But I started to feel like I needed to go in a different direction. I felt called to speak specifically to Latina women.
One night as I drove to therapy I began to pray and dig deep into this new inspiration. Right there in my Buick, The Fearless Mujer Podcast was born. Why did I choose the word fearless? Because for so long I feared not being good enough. Life knocked me down so much that I feared never being the woman I was meant to be.
The word fearless is symbolic to me because as an Hija de Dios / God’s daughter, I know I was not called to live in fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says; “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
Amiga, we were not created to live in fear of not being good enough - good enough to follow our dreams or to live out our God-given purpose.
That's why I created The Fearless Mujer to remind Mujeres everywhere that their painful past, their setbacks, and mistakes do not define them. - God created you for so much more!
You see, had I listened to the fear that tried to creep in when I felt a deep desire to share my stories and the bigger message on my heart there would be no Fearless Mujer Brand. There would be no podcast, no book, no online business.
When I felt God calling me to start a podcast almost 3 years ago I had a Moses moment like, “Who am I God?” I was the girl who kids made fun of growing up because I had a squeaky voice. I’ve learned to control it as an adult but occasionally you’ll hear my high pitched voice, especially when I’m really excited about something! LOL
You see, God prompted me to share my stories to help empower other women and to help them heal.
I didn’t want to be a storyteller but I guess I inherited this gift from my grandmother Micaela. - Her stories still live in my heart.
It’s my stories and my message that has resonated with so many Mujeres today, and I didn’t have to know it all, or be perfect to start impacting the lives of other women. If you knew my life story you’d know why I felt unqualified. I had a past and it wasn’t squeaky clean.
I was just a little Mexican girl from the hood, a teen mom, a single mom waiting tables with no education, a daughter from a broken and dysfunctional home. I am a product of divorce, and I’m a former suicidal party girl who looked for love in all the wrong places, and my list can go on.
I embraced so many labels that could have stopped me from going where God was taking me. I believe that the labels we’ve embraced and have been given are not what defines us. I believe it so much that I wrote about it! You can read more about that inside “Exposing the Lies” chapter two of my book, Dear Fearless Mujer, You Were Created for More - A journey to healing, letting go, & finding purpose.
The mission of Fearless Mujer is to empower women to break free from their self-limiting and generational beliefs that hold them back from stepping into their God-given purpose.
Have you ever thought about having a podcast but wondered if anyone would even listen to what you had to say?
You dream about sharing your stories with others, because you have a lot to say!
You love to serve and help others, and it seems that people are always coming to you for tips or advice.
You've thought about podcasting so many times.
You watch a ton of videos and are a podcast superfan!
If you've been wondering if you could have a podcast the answer is yes!
Let's start your podcast today.
Watch my free podcast masterclass now!
I've been there! I always felt like I was meant for more, but I never knew how to actually step into the more. For so many years I would get pumped and motivated to pursue the things that I was passionate about, but the motivation wouldn't last very long. If you've ever experienced this you know how confusing and embarrassing this can feel.
I used to get so discouraged when this would happen and I would question if something was wrong with me? I felt horrible for starting projects and new things and never really finishing. It wasn't until I realized that there was nothing wrong with me, it was the false beliefs I was believing about myself. I began to dig deep and started doing the inner work that empowered me to find freedom. I understood that I was embracing labels and limiting beliefs that were preventing me from accomplishing my goals and the projects I would start.
I became empowered once I was able to identify my own limiting beliefs. That’s when I truly began to walk in confidence!
When we embrace limiting beliefs about who we are, we are also embracing lies about who we are. What you think about yourself matters, and your view of yourself will dictate the decisions you make for your life. The good news is that you don't have to stay captive to the lies and limiting beliefs, you can pursue your goals and finish your passion projects! You can empower yourself to start now!
Together we can discover what's holding you back, rediscover your passions, identify who you are in this season and who you aspire to be in your next season of life, reignite your dreams and the woman you are, so you can walk in confidence!
Join me inside my empowerment coaching program. Schedule your empowerment call today.
Have you ever thought about having a podcast but wondered if anyone would even listen to what you had to say?
Maybe you started and stopped because you got discouraged along the way?
You don't have to know it all or be perfect to start your podcast, you just have to start.
Your podcast can be the key that empowers others and gives them hope.
It can also be a tool that offers others a solution someone is desperately searching for.
The key to starting strong is understanding who you are talking to, and understanding your bigger message.
You don't need fancy equipment or a fancy website to start and launch your podcast.
I teach my clients to keep it simple, and because I work with busy women I teach them to podcast around their lifestyle. - It doesn't have to be a chore!
You can podcast around your life, your kids, your business, full-time job, or whatever season of life you are in. - You can build it around your life, because you have creative control.
Don't wait to start it's easier than you might think!
Ready to start and launch? Schedule a complimentary strategy call today.
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